Saturday, March 31, 2007

Today we went with the Bishops to the Umgeni Valley Nature Reserve and enjoyed a birthday picnic overlooking valley. It is a lovely wilderness just out of town, and apart from the zebra, we also saw lots of antelope (blesbuck, nyala, impala) and raptors.


Sunday, March 25, 2007

Another photo of our almost-house. Just one more week until we get occupation, and then a couple of days to wait before beds and everything else arrives. We are chomping at the bit. The bit is chomped.

Of the six moves to new towns I have made in my life, this has certainly been the hardest, and without the help and hospitality of the Bishops it wouldn't have been possible. It has been such a blessing to have them open their home (and their internet connection!) to us.

We don't think we've really found what 'Maritzburg has to offer yet, and we have to admit that there have been days when we wish to be back in Cheltenham. When we get like this we cheer ourselves up dreaming about our new house. I have particularly put a lot of thought into a planned vegetable garden, so hopefully after winter I will be able to post photos of wonderful crops of home-grown veg!
